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Betonica, a Wildflower Fields painting

In his wildflower field paintings, Arne Quinze is depicting the interaction between the transcience and the robustness of his wildflower garden. He studies the beauty in the decay and takes nature as a constant source of inspiration for his works. Quinze strongly believes in Mono No Aware, a Japanese concept in which both the blossoming and decay are embraced equally.

Betonica, a Wildflower Fields painting, 130 x 160 m, oil paint on canvas

Aliciella Subnuda, a Wildflower Fields painting

Arne Quinze's guide through his works is his own wildflower garden. His wildflower garden is at...

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Serpyllum, a Wildflower Fields painting

Serpyllum is a plant that is tough & hardy and can tolerate heavy winds and air pollution. ...

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Jasminoides, a Wildflower Fields painting

The leaves of Jasminoides are dark green, oval to lanceolate, shiny and sometimes turn a...

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