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Wildflower Fields painting

Yarrow Bouquet

Oil painting on linen canvas.

You can find Yarrow along roadsides, in fields, waste areas, and... in our gardens. It is native to Eurasia, and our bees and butterflies love it. Achillea (Millefolia) is in reference to Achilles, hero of the Trojan Wars in Greek mythology, who used the plant medicinally to stop bleeding and to heal the wounds of his soldiers.

Two Wildflower Fields paintings

Rhinanthus and Rhoeas Poppy

Inspired not only by the moment, but by the flowering gloss of his wildflowers around the house...

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My Secret Garden


Sculpture made for the exhibition 'My Secret Garden — Valencia', commissioned by Enrique Vidal...

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A series of six Chroma Lupine sculptures by Arne Quinze, showing the power and diversity of...

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