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Behind the scenes of the workshop

Strelitzia construction

Strelitzia is Latin for the commonly known crane flower, or 'bird of paradise', a plant indigenous to South Africa with sharp and very elegant flowers. Its orange and purple spines sprout from the green plant as if they were origami butterflies 🦋 sitting on a leaf. The idea of giving a subtle hint of paradise, utopia, colour inside a mostly grey urban context, is a concept Arne Quinze aims to conceive with most of his art. His only wish is to make people smile and be more open towards the other, towards the unknown.

Arne Quinze finishing the assembly of a new sculpture he calls Strelitzia, the Latin name of the crane flower.

Sketches preceding the model study

Building a new sculpture in Paris

Le Beau Rêveur B/W

We are at the construction site of ‘The Beautiful Dreamer’ in Porte de Versailles, Paris....

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Arne Quinze's inspiration: his wildflower garden

Take a walk in the diverse and colorful wildflower garden of Arne Quinze’s studio: the...

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Sculptures that will enter a dialogue with Calatrava

Preparing for Valencia

After many new installations and exhibitions globally during 2018, 2019 will again be extremely...

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