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Tropaeolum, a Wildflower Fields painting by Arne Quinze


Tropaeolum, a Wildflower Fields painting

Tropaeolum is a wild flower that blooms from June to October. After flowering, brightly coloured red flowers grow on the plant. This plant is extra unique because every part of it is edible for humans. Arne Quinze looks at his garden all year round; for him, the shift and evolution of plants is something that intrigues him enormously. The transformation of the Tropaeolum plant into a flower is reflected on his canvas, as is the duality of nature that the artist wants to portray.

Tropaeolum, a Wildflower Fields painting, 213 x 183 cm, oil paint on canvas.

Tropaeolum, a Wildflower Fields painting, by Arne Quinze

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