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My Secret Garden paintings

My Secret Rose Garden — Series

180121 Mixed media: acrylic paint on canvas, copper leaves 120 x 120 cm

180118 Mixed media: acrylic paint on canvas, copper leaves 120 x 120 cm

180112 Mixed media: acrylic paint on canvas, copper leaves 150 x 150 cm

180115 Mixed media: acrylic paint on canvas, copper leaves 150 x 150 cm

180103 Mixed media: acrylic paint on canvas, copper leaves 180 x 210 cm

180106 Mixed media: acrylic paint on canvas, copper leaves 180 x 210 cm

180109 Mixed media: acrylic paint on canvas, copper leaves 150 x 120 cm

a Wildflower Fields painting

Gentiana Cruciata

This Wildflower Fields painting is snapshot of the revealing journey that Arne Quinze makes in...

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This natural garden welcomes a new creature

Purple Lupine sculpture

This natural garden welcomes a new creature, with the artist's approving gaze. This sculpture...

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Chameleon Lupine at Pass

Arne Quinze creates with various unique elegant forms and the connections between nature and the...

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